Thursday, August 01, 2024

Bird Watch

My Instagram post:

"Aren’t the eggs beautiful? (Kari climbed the tree to quickly snap the pic.) The mama robin has been sitting in her nest in our backyard almost constantly this week. My kids say this is a sign that I’m getting old. I’m bird-watching."

I noticed the nest on July 3rd, but Joel climbed up and saw it was empty. I continued to bird watch over the next few weeks. It was July 9th when we discovered the eggs. On July 18th, we saw three of them had hatched. The kids pronounced them ugly and gross. :-) I checked on them every few days, with the robin parents chirping at me and fluttering around the tree. I only ever saw three birds, so I don't know what happened to the fourth egg. On the 26th, there were still three birds, but by the 29th, there were only two. Sadly, I saw the third one dead on the hill below the tree. It must have fallen or been pushed out of the nest. Yesterday, the 31st, I saw one of the baby birds standing on the edge of the nest, testing out its feathers and wings, and today, August 1st, the nest is empty! Bird-watch 2024 is over. That was fun. 

1 comment:

Mae Gunderson said...

I'm glad that you are taking time to birdwatch.