Monday, July 29, 2024

Biker Gang Reunion

Joel and his buddies came back from CIY camp motivated to spend less time on technology (phones and gaming) and more time praying, being out in nature, and spending more time with people and encouraging others. It's a message so important, relevant, and needed for this generation, and it was great to hear the kids excited about the challenge. This last week Joel and a couple friends were out taking a walk without their phones, as part of the challenge, and they happened upon a whole box of gaming consoles and accessories with a "free" sign on it. The guy out front told them to "take it all." He just wanted it out of his house. So, these guys who had sworn off technology and video games for a month stumbled onto a treasure trove of games and snatched it up. They each took different pieces that they wanted to keep, and then they took the rest to a local gaming resale shop. They came away with $168! And what did they decide to do with the money? They used it for a day of fun on Hayden's birthday, which was the day after their find. They texted all their buddies and a bunch of them dusted off their old bikes, reinflated the tires, and biked around like it was the summer of 2020 or 2021. They ate blackberries along the side of the road, raided the raspberries and blueberries at G&G Arnold's house, visited some of their old haunts, biked to the taco truck for lunch, and then later bought pizza and hung out together at Hayden's house. More guys joined in the fun as the day went on, but this was the gang that first gathered that morning. It warmed our hearts to see them out on their bikes having fun once again, like the kids they once were, our man-children. :-)

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