Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Grant Braces

My mom took Grant to his orthodontist appointment this morning and then afterwards texted and said he needed to go back again at 3pm and that she could take him. I thought that was odd, but we’ve had some odd experiences with this orthodontist, so I didn’t think much of it after that, especially because I had meetings all afternoon and was busy with work. I got home late, and Grant came walking down the stairs with a great big smile on his face and NO BRACES! I screamed, and we hugged and laughed a lot. It was such a fun surprise! He had an appointment for next week to possibly get them off then, so the thought didn’t even occur to me what he might get them off today. The doctor offered to do it this morning, so the 3pm appointment was to pick up the retainers. My mom has done the vast majority of the braces appointments with Grant. I’ve only gone a handful of times. Thank you, Mom! It’s been a huge help to us, and Grant has loved the Grandma time because a smoothie or food was often involved. Today they got MOD pizza in celebration. We’re all done with braces in our family!

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