Sunday, February 25, 2024

Sweet 16

Happy birthday to Aubrey—sweet 16! She has had such a fun past year. She has a great group of friends and enjoyed playing tennis and water polo. Swim team was new to her this year. She is busy with youth group and FCA, dresses up for all the spirit days for the football and basketball games, and likes going for walks. She values time with friends but also very much values her sleep. I’m glad she still has two more years of high school. We like having her around. Love you, Aubs!

She had friends over (10 of them!) to celebrate her birthday while I was still out of town. With Snowball on Saturday, she had to do it on Friday night. Super-Dad Greg pulled it off, with the help of Joel and Grant. The decorations I had ordered gave him some trouble, but he managed. We had her family party on her actual birthday on Sunday. 

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