Sunday, January 21, 2024

Joel's Birthday

Happy 18th birthday to Joel! We are so proud of this young man of ours. He’s having a great senior year and has the busiest social life of anyone in our family—always doing something with someone, usually multiple someone's—basketball, tennis, video games, sledding on Mt Hood in winter, paddle boarding at the lake in summer, FCA, Young Life, youth group, Dave’s Hot Chicken. He’s heading to CBU (Cal Baptist) next fall, and we are so excited for him. The icy weather has changed all the plans he had for this birthday, but he’s making the best of it. He’s good at rolling with whatever is thrown at him. Happy birthday, Joel! Love you!

He ended up having a few friends come over on his actual birthday, a couple friends who could actually make it to our house through the ice, and we had a family party the next day and managed to get people here and home again safely.

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