Friday, February 24, 2023

Snow Days

The school district dismissed school early due to snow, something that I remember only happening one other time since our kids have been in school. The snow started falling and then just kept coming. The announcement came at 11:30am, for dismissal at noon. It was a crazy and exciting half hour, with kids throwing snowballs in the courtyard and everyone rushing to get out of the parking lot. As I was leaving, I saw a teacher in a little sports car having trouble getting up the little incline in the parking lot. Two other teachers and I tried to help and push her, but her tires just kept spinning, so eventually, she gave up and one of the teachers offered her a ride home. My friend, Jana, happened to see us and took a photo to document the day. We got two and a half snow days from that storm. Woo-hoo!

Our dryer broke the week before, and the new washer and dryer set that was supposed to be delivered got delayed because of the weather, so we had to dry the wet snow gear (and our other laundry) the old fashioned way for even longer. 

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