Friday, September 18, 2020

Wind, smoke, and fire

The drive home from Sunriver got smokier and smokier, the closer we got to home. That was we had a huge wind storm. We never lost power, but the house where Kari was house-sitting did. And our neighbors had a tree fall on the next door neighbor's car. A bunch of neighborhood guys came out to help chop it up and get it off the car. Thankfully, it was mostly just scratches and not major damage, and no one was hurt. I went for a walk the next morning and saw a big tree had fallen on the bridge across the creek. 

The air quality got worse and worse, and we were all housebound (even more than we have been), unable to go outside. The start of school was delayed another week due to wildfires affecting so many people in our community. 

With local communities on high alert and some having to evacuate due to the fires, we had some conversations with the kids about what we would take if we ever had to evacuate (the fires were about 10 miles away, so we were not really in danger). Grant's response was, "Well, of course, I'd need to bring Sir Paws," only the largest stuffed animal he owns. :-) 

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