Friday, February 15, 2019

Disneyland with Jane

I had an absolute blast with Jane during our three days together in Disneyland. It had been a long time, probably since college, since I'd been able to spend that much time with her talking, laughing, and just having fun being together. We lived it up and milked this 40th birthday for all it was worth. :-) Jane is one of those amazing lifelong friends, the kind that you treasure always, someone who "gets" you, a "kindred spirit," as Anne Shirley would say. I will treasure the time we spent and the talks we had during those three days. Our bodies were definitely feeling the years, though, not used to walking 11 and 12 miles a day. We were hurting pretty good by the end, our backs, legs, feet let us know loud and clear that we aren't young anymore! Totally worth it, though!

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