Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Fall Happenings

Well, we survived crazy September, barely. It was crammed full of soccer games, practices, school events, and meetings--to the point that we had very few free evenings. October has been more manageable.

Joel used one of his no school days (they've had 3 already!) to take apart the old trampoline all by himself, in the rain no less. He wanted to expedite the putting up of the new one. :)

Beautiful fall day to jump on the new trampoline. We'll see how long this one lasts us!

Aubrey and Joel ran in their school Jog-a-thon fundraiser, and Grant and I volunteered and helped with it. Grant enjoyed his job as water-sprayer.

Kari played the piano on the worship team at church a few weeks ago. It was Sunday School week, and Greg was leading.  She did fantastic!

Thanks to Grandma picking up Grant from preschool, I was able to chaperon Joel's class field trip to the state capital at the end of September. I' never been to the capital building. I found it very interesting! The kids were polite, and our tour guide was great. We even were able to go the very top of the building and see the huge golden pioneer up close. It was a beautiful day and the view from up there was amazing. We could see several mountains in the distance.

We moved the Lego table into the playroom, so now the boys have room for their spider chairs. I caught them reading together--so cute!

Grant helped me can applesauce and apple butter one day. Yummy!

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