Saturday, March 07, 2015

Spelling Bee

East Orient had their first Spelling Bee (since our kids have been there) last Thursday. The top few spellers in each class participated, and Kari and Joel were both in it. I was able to go watch, and it was so much fun! It was so intense! The kids really got into it. Joel made it a few rounds and got out on the word "raisin," and Kari made it to the top four before missing an "e" in the word "veteran." I was proud of them both!

 We don't get the local paper, but when we were at the doctor's office yesterday, I noticed this! Do you see Joel? He's in the orange shirt.

You can't see Kari because she was in the row behind Joel, but she's mentioned in the article, just not by name. "The audience gasped when one speller was defeated by the word 'veteran'..." :-)

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