Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Today feels like spring--weather in the low 70's with a nice breeze blowing through the open windows, allergies, sinus infections, yard work, and gardening. It's not my favorite season (because of the allergy factor), but Grant and I both are on meds for our sinus infections and are starting to feel better, so I'm enjoying this spring day. It's Aubrey's "long" Wednesday, so it's just been Grant and I all day here at home. It's been nice. I truly love a nice, relaxing day at home. Guess I'm a home-body. These days just don't happen as often anymore. Have to enjoy them when they come.

I don't like the pollen that spring brings, but I do LOVE when my rose bush from Great Grandma Harrington's house starts blooming. The fragrant blossoms make my heart happy. I was afraid it wouldn't do well here at this house because of our bad soil, but it finally took off this year. It's huge and loaded with blooms!

Grant helped me transplant the tomatoes Dad brought me. I enjoy growing stuff, but I'm thankful that he does the hard work of getting plants started in that nice greenhouse of his. 

Grant enjoys helping me with housework and tasks. He likes cleaning toilets (dumping Comet and using the toilet brush), and yesterday he "surprised" me and cleaned the downstairs toilet all by himself while I was putting laundry away upstairs. He climbed up on top of the dryer, got the cleaning supplies down from the high cupboard, and somehow managed to get wet Comet all over the bathroom, covering the floor and spattering the toilet and bathroom walls. And then he used my nice, dark brown hand towel to try to clean it up. He's so helpful.

He likes to help in the kitchen, too. It's an exercise in patience for me sometimes (or every time). He was so happy, though, that I let him use the scooper this time when we made muffins. We took turns. I love my little helper buddy.

There are three weeks of school left, and then summer will begin! I'm looking forward to the school year being done. It's time to be done with homework, projects, and the busy schedule. In the meantime, we've got soccer, baseball, and piano to finish up, and a church retreat to look forward to.

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