Sunday, March 31, 2013

Resurrection Day

Happy Easter/Resurrection Day! We spent time preparing for Easter this year in ways that I've wanted to but just never was quite able to make happen, and it was really good! We got together with a few families in our neighborhood one evening every other week or so leading up to Easter, had a meal, and did an activity together. This was one of them. I've loved having this as the centerpiece for our table these last six weeks. I think we'll do it again next year.

This was another activity we did. We hid eggs filled with candy in a neighbor's yard and taped this sign to their door. We did it late at night (well, late for our kids 8:45pm). The kids loved sneaking in the dark to do something fun for their friends. Our neighbors loved it, and we were able to invite them to church when we talked to them later. Even if they don't come, it was a wonderful experience for our kids and our family to reach out and do something fun for someone else, in Jesus' name.

We're all ready to head to church and enjoy the day. He IS risen, and we are so grateful.

1 comment:

Faith said...

Love it!! And love the pics of your cute