Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Grant Robert-- 2 years and 3 months

It's time for some kid updates. I'm starting with Grant. We'll see how long me it takes to sit down and write about all four kids. We had a puker two nights ago, so who knows what the rest of this week holds for us!

I finally got Grant in to get some recent photos so we could update the ones I have up from when he was 3 months old. Last fall when we had our family photos taken outside Grant did not cooperate, so I didn't get a good one then. Got a couple this time around! He was not fond of the process, though, (siblings were all at school) and after about 15 minutes he decided he'd had enough and refused to do anything else for them. He told the lady, "I all done," and he was.

At two years old and three months, Grant is so much fun and such a little stinker at the same time.  He is full of energy and life and little boy mischief. He's becoming more obedient and is learning how to share and take turns. He's sleeping better ("better" is a relative term), and we end up with an uninterrupted night's sleep once or twice a week now on average. It's so much better than it was even just a few months ago! Most nights he's still up with us until 9ish and wakes up around 5:30am, whether he's been up in the night or not. He still takes a nap for about an hour each day, so maybe when he is able to drop the nap he'll sleep another hour at night, maybe. Unfortunately, I think he just needs less sleep than I do! He still climbs in bed with me most mornings for a little snuggle time, and I love that. My last baby...

Grant's favorite foods right now are yogurt, hot dogs, satsuma mandarin oranges, grapes, goldfish crackers (really any crackers), and pizza toppings. He takes the toppings off and leaves the bread every week when we have pizza-Friday-movie-night.

He still loves milk and his binkie. Yes, I know he shouldn't have a binkie now that he's two and can talk and say, "Mommy, I can't find my binkie. I need my binkie!" It's a battle I'm not willing to wage yet.  It helps him sleep, so it stays. Although, I do make him turn it in when we go to church and other places during the day. He plucks it out of his mouth and puts in my hand before we leave the house--kinda funny.  I'm thrilled to report that, while he still has a pacifier, he is potty-trained! We had our carpets cleaned today in celebration. :)
Ah! So much better. Who puts white carpet in a family home anyway?

Grant still doesn't know his colors, but he can point out by name every American Girl doll in the catalogue (thanks to his AG-obsessed little sister), can recognize a Britt Nicole song within seconds on the radio (thanks to his older sister), and can count to 10 with ease. I have tried and tried to teach him with little to no success. It's strange. We're wondering if he might be color-blind. Time will tell!

Because he has an older brother who is very into Star Wars, Grant is also very much into Star Wars. He enjoys lightsaber battles and using "The Force." He also enjoys little guy things like trains, so we set up the wooden train tracks and play trains when the other kids are at school. I don't want him to grow up too fast! Grant's favorite movie right now is The Lion King. He also likes "SuperWhy" and "Daniel Tiger" on PBS.  He enjoyed the kids' soccer season this year. Greg let him warm-up and practice some drills with the Aubrey and Joel's team, and he LOVED it. He cried when he had to come off the field. I wish I would have gotten some video of him practicing with them. He was so cute out there, a head or two shorter than all the other kids, doing everything they were doing. He's got some pretty decent soccer skills. :) Technically, he isn't allowed to play for another two years. We'll see come next summer whether we decide he can bend the rules or not. Our league allows some rule-bending, particularly when you are a veteran Micros coach like Greg has become. ;)

In his "spare time" Grant loves to play with his cousin, Russell. Those two are so funny! For two-year-olds, they play exceptionally well together. They copy each other and just love to be with each other. It'll be fun to watch them grow up together. Grant is going to be lonely when Aubrey goes to school every day next year, so I have a feeling he's going to need his buddy, Russell, even more often.

Grant is exhausting a lot of the time, but he's also such a joy to me. I'm learning to appreciate each and every stage my kids are in because I know none of them last very long. It's a lot easier to do, though, I must admit, when I get a reasonable amount of sleep. Thank you, Grant, for learning to sleep better! I love you, little man! 

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