Tuesday, July 19, 2011


"Bye, bye, old house!"
 With the help of our friends and family (lots of help--thanks so much, everyone!) we moved out of our old house on Saturday and into our new house. We are s-l-o-w-l-y getting things unpacked around here. The house had no window coverings when we moved in, so Greg has been installing blinds in every spare minute. It's work, work, work around here! (Notice I am blogging and not working at the moment. Everyone needs a break, right?) We leave in a couple days to go up to Alaska for my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary celebration, so I have to unpack just enough to be able to pack up for the trip. The kids have never been on an airplane, so that'll be exciting, and they haven't met most of the family we're going to see up there, so there will be many introductions. Its going to be quite an adventure for us. I can't wait to see everyone and celebrate with Grandpa and Grandma. Sixty years is pretty amazing!

We're going to enjoy our trip, and then we'll come back and work on putting our house in order.


Denee said...

So exciting! Congratulations! Isn't it amazing, given the way we (especially you!) grew up, that your kids have never been on an airplane? That's unheard of for those who live in AK! It sounds like everything has been happening all at once for you guys, so I hope you have strength to enjoy the trip! Say hi to everyone for me!

Greg and Andrea said...

Denee, I wish you were coming!

Cheryl Licht said...

I can't wait to see you guys!!! Happy unpacking. :-)

Denee said...

Me too, Andrea! It was kind of announced too last minute (for us) to be able to save enough $ to come. Our budget is very tight, so we need lots of time to save up. I'm really bummed. I do hope to get up there sometime soon with Henri, though, possibly in the winter time so he can decorate a gingerbread house. Although, I'm sure Grandma would make one for him/us no matter what time of year we come. ;)

Anonymous said...

It was good to see you and your family Andrea. Mae