Saturday, July 07, 2007

'Tis "The Garden of Good and Evil" No More

Greg's witty name for my half-weeded garden no longer applies because...
... I finally finished weeding!


Faith said...

WOW! That is quite a change! Aren't weeds the worst? You may have inspired me to weed today. I stress the word MAY! Good looks great.

Wilson Family said...

Hey Andrea, good Job! Your garden looks great! Hey we are still down in Redding, but I don't have your email address with me. Anyway just wanted to say that I just got Joons email (looks like she sent it on Sat) that said she wouldn't be able to make it on Sunday. Bummer! Sorry about that - I wish I'd checked email sooner! I hope it wasn't too hard of a scramble for Ann. Hope your having a good week!
Jen =)

Faith said...

You DID inspire me to weed. Weeding is hard 1. when you are 8 months pregnant and 2. in the heat so i lasted oh..10 minutes! oh well, better than nothing!

Greg and Andrea said...

Faith, you're crazy! An 8 months pregnant lady is not supposed to be weeding, especially when it's 100 degrees out! I'd say, for this year, just let the weeds take over. Your neighbors will understand. :)