Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I think I need to call in sick...

...oh wait--there's no one to call in sick to when you're a mom (unless it's a very nice grandma who is willing to come watch the kids while you go to the doctor and get meds--thanks, Mom!). You know it's not good when the dad comes home from work at 4pm and finds the kitchen a mess, the laundry not done, and the mom in the same place she was when he left her at 6am--in bed, and now with child #1 in bed with her watching Toy Story 2 (child #2 had the good sense to take a really long afternoon nap and was still in his crib).

So what happens when mom gets sick? The kids watch Sesame Street AND Bob the Builder and get to watch whatever DVD they want to watch, get to eat and drink pretty much whatever they ask for, and we all just try to just make it until daddy gets home. It worked, the kids survived, and today is a little more of a normal day.

Today I'm thinking of the benefits I do have as a stay-at-home mom, as opposed to those I do not have. :) I don't have sick days or vacation days I can take whenever I want, but I do get to cuddle and snuggle with my baby boy, read books and play games with my big girl, and I get to guide and shape their little lives each and every day. I have the privilege of telling them about God's love for them, what he's done for them, and how to live a life pleasing to him. The fruits of my labor may not be apparent until later, but for now, I know I'm doing what's best for our family and enjoying it. I'm thankful to be able to stay home with our kids. Not everyone has that luxury. Some choose not to stay home, but others simply do not have a choice.


Kristi said...

It's good to keep those days in perspective! Sick days are h-a-r-d! But you're right, in the whole scheme of things, we're so blessed in our current careers!

Anonymous said...

Great perspective Andrea. Sorry to hear you are sick.Kitty