Friday, January 12, 2007

Little Drummer Boy and Little Busy Girl

I started thinking, as I was getting ready to post these photos, that maybe people get tired of seeing pictures of us and our kids doing everyday things, but then I realized that if people don't want to see them, they don't have to look! We're not forcing anyone to look at our blog. People comes of their own free will, for their viewing pleasure. So that said, here are some more photos of our kids doing what they do.

Joel loves the musical instrument bucket. He's actually pretty good with the egg shakers. If I knew how to post videos I'd do it. He's started "dancing" to music.

I believe the box the drum came in said not for children under 3, but he loves drumming...
If you're wondering what Kari is doing in the cupboard, she's driving. I had to ask on that one.

Concentrating really hard on the Leap Pad. It's great having all these fun new toys from Christmas/birthday. Both kids have been busy.

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