Friday, September 15, 2006

Down to Three

Greg only worked a half day today and spent some time with the kids this afternoon before he took off for Alaska. He and his dad left this evening. They'll meet up with my dad in Galena tomorrow and head to "Vicki's Villa" to do some moose hunting. He'll be gone for 10 days total, so we're down to three in this Moffat household. Kari doesn't understand what's going on at all--poor thing. Tonight she kept saying thing like, "Daddy will come home tonight and sing and read books to me in bed after he gets a moose, ok?" We'll see how things go this week! Hopefully Greg and the dads will have a blast.

Getting some quality play-doh time in before the departure.

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1 comment:

Megan said...

Hey Andrea! I hope your week has been going well! Are you coming to football this week?