Monday, September 23, 2013

Still lovin' these kitties

We've been calling Joel "The Cat Whisperer." He's got a gift. Oreo, our more wild kitty, becomes calm and relaxed in Joel's care. When we check on the kids before we go to bed, we often find Oreo curled up beside Joel, both asleep. He's always liked soft, cozy things, and kittens are soft and cozy (when their claws aren't out!), so it makes sense.

They look sweet and peaceful when they're sleeping (kinda like kids!), but boy, do they get wild sometimes. They are crazy cats every evening--running, chasing, fighting, playing.
Grant terrorizes the kitties a little, but he's learning to be gentle and learning when NOT to pick them up. Both cats are pretty tolerant of all the handling, which is good, because there are many hands that want to hold them.


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