Monday, September 16, 2013

Another "first" day

Kindergarten is finally getting underway (silly "gradual" entry). Today was the first day I dropped off all three kids at the same time for a "normal" school day. Last week I was feeling all proud of myself for not blubbering on the first day of school. Well, apparently, today was blubber day. Aubrey was so cute and smiley as she climbed out of the car after her brother and sister. As soon as she stepped out, I started crying. It came on very suddenly! I watched them all walk in together and cried all the way home. It's so bitter-sweet. I want them to grow up and at the same time, I don't. My little girl is a big girl now, and while I'm so happy that she's excited for school and not anxious about leaving me, I'm sad to say good-bye to that phase of life with her at home. She sure is ready, though! That smile was on her face when I dropped her off and when I met her as she came off the bus. She wanted to ride the bus home on the first day! I'm so thankful for our kids' school with caring teachers and staff. It makes it easier to let them go, knowing they're in good hands. And the kids have each other there, too, which is comforting to me. Joel and Kari will look out for their little sister.

It's just you and me now in the mornings, G-man! I promise I won't cry every morning! :-)


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