Saturday, September 28, 2013


I just I realized it's the end of September, and I haven't posted anything about soccer, this sport that has taken over our family's schedule since the third week of August! I haven't been good about documenting this season with my camera--too much going on, I guess. Kari, Joel, and Aubrey are all playing, so we have THREE teams this year! The season is busy and a little crazy, but it's working out better, logistically, than I thought it would. We are on the soccer field 5 days a week between practices and games, and the kids are all enjoying playing. The weather just turned rainy in the last week. The last couple years of soccer have been pretty good weather-wise, so we were due for a rainy season, and it looks like that's what we're getting. Today's weather was very stormy, dumping buckets and windy. We finally invested in some nice, big umbrellas this week. Should have done that 5 years ago!

Here's Aubrey with some teammates (from back in August).Greg is coaching Aubrey's team, which is mostly four and five-year-olds with one six-year-old this year. It's a big team--15 kids--and they are hilarious to watch. They're just so little and cute. Many of them have never played before. Games are pretty funny!
Grant (beside Aubrey) is dying to play soccer but isn't quite old enough, having just turned 3 in August. Greg lets him practice with the team, and he LOVES it. We've had some sad moments on game days, but he's handling it pretty well, as long as we have snacks. :) Next year you can play, little man!
Kari with her team before a game
I brought my camera to the wrong game this time. It was cold and rainy, and she played defense this game, so there was a lot more standing around than usual. Mid-field is her favorite position to play and the one she plays most often. She likes it because she gets to run and be all over the field. Her games are exciting to watch. This level is definitely more serious and intense than previous years. 
Joel is really enjoying his team. He has a bunch of friends playing with him, and he's doing well! The other night he got to play against his cousin, Sam, which they both thought was pretty funny. :) It ended up being a tie that night--perfect!


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