Sunday, August 25, 2013

Rockaway--Final day

On our last day we took another early morning beach walk. The kids ran and ran and ran through the fog.

We finally caught up to them.

And they were off again

Aubrey hopping on what she called "lily pads"

photos by Aubrey
Aubrey did great on this one!

Our little photographer. Loved her stance.

And this one was a self-portrait to remind me of our horrible drive home. For the last couple weeks, we'd had one kid vomiting at a time, one a week apart. First was Grant, then the next week Kari. We figured if the pattern continued, we'd have another sickie the day we were supposed to come home from the beach, but we didn't really think it would happen. Well, it did. Joel threw up in the back of the van just before we drove past the zoo on Hwy 26, just as traffic was backing up. We were stuck on the highway in traffic on a hot day with one kid vomiting, one kid sleeping (thankfully), and two kids complaining about the stench. We drove with the windows down the whole rest of the way. It was one LONG drive home. We got home just in time for Aubrey to throw up. Not fun, not fun at all! It was a relief, however, to have the last two get sick at the same time and not a week apart. We were finally done with the strange sickness. Greg and I never got it.
So, great beach vacation with family, terrible way to end it! Memorable, that's for sure.

1 comment:

Whitworth Family said...

I love your longer hair!