Thursday, August 08, 2013

Camping at Paradise Creek

The last time we went camping as a family Aubrey was 18 months old, and afterward, I declared I would never go again with a baby or toddler. This summer we bought a 10-person Coleman Weather Master tent, gathered some camping supplies, and made our first attempt at camping as a family of six. I don't understand how the tent makers justify saying the tent would fit ten people, but it did fit our six person family quite nicely. I like our tent. Our friends dubbed it "The Taj-Moffat." :) Overall, it was a really good trip. We had a great time with friends, and the kids loved it! We went on a big, long, steep hike, played in Paradise Creek a lot, and enjoyed some time around the campfire. I learned that I need a better dish washing system and that strapping a headlamp on a water jug really does work as a makeshift lantern (we forgot our lantern). We really were fairly well-equipped, but when we got home I added a few thing to our camping bins for next time. I'll be super prepared next time around! It took a couple days to get through the impressive mountains of laundry we had when we got back, but it was all worth it. We can be a camping family now. :)

Greg and I both were taken aback when we saw the photo of Aubrey with Maggie (second row). Aubrey looks so old! Behind her back, we call her our mini-teenager, and when we saw that photo, we decided it was a glimpse into her teenage years.  I think it's the hair. Crazy. Thanks again, Jen, for taking photos for us!

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