Friday, March 04, 2011

Can you see it?

Some people say something about Aubrey reminds them of my mom, and I've never really been able to see it. Then I saw this photo of my mom, and then I saw it. I totally see Aubrey in her smile.

My dad has been scanning all his old slides and sending some along. I've never seen a resemblance before, but I see Aubrey in some of my little kid pictures, and sometimes a little bit of Joel, too. I have yet to see any of my genetic material (at least physically) in Kari or Grant, but I don't expect to. Greg's got that one covered, I think. :)

I love old pictures. Here's Brian and I.

Denee, this one's for you. Look at us up at camp. Weren't we cute, dirty little things?

When I turned 3.
I had that doll cake (variations of it) many a birthday. It was one of my favorites.


Denee said...

These are so cute!

Remember when I threw dirt/ash in your eyes at camp? Wasn't that fun?! ;)

Cheryl Licht said...

Isn't it amazing how God mixes and matches? Yes, Aubrey definitely has your and your mom's mouth. Thats been apparent to me for quite some time. She so darling! And I love the old photos of you and Brian (and Denee) sooo cute! What a big project for your dad! Good for him.