Thursday, March 10, 2011

7 months

Seven months finds Grant happy and ear infection free (we do have an appointment scheduled with the ENT, however). He is rolling all over the place but can't quite figure out how to move forward. Backwards, side-to-side, and in a circle are easy but forward is just frustrating! He'll figure it out soon enough. We can no longer store magazines or newspaper on the shelf of our coffee table because eats them. He is enjoying his real food, too. Haven't found much that he doesn't like yet.

Now that he's well, he's sleeping better, not great, but better. I'll take it. :)

Right now I am doing everything in my power to keep him from getting the latest virus plaguing our family. Greg has been home sick for three days, and now Kari and Joel both have fevers, too. We had one wonderful week of wellness and that was it. This winter has been brutal for our family health-wise. None of it is major stuff, but our immune systems could sure use a boost.

I'm trying to focus on the many blessings in our life and not on the discouraging things going on around here. This little guy's smile brought a smile to my face today.

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Denee said...

He sure is cute!

Amy Woodard said...

He's such a cutie!! We know about sickness this winter at our house too. All 3 kids are battling another round of colds...hoping they win the fight! And looks like you got new furniture!! I like it! : )

Eric 'n Leah said...

Sam, talking about Grant: "He just LOVES me and Kari. If we're not there- he cries. He just loves me and Kari the best. If we hid he will cry."

Maybe you could just hire Sam to tag-team Grant with Kari for some quiet time...

Cheryl Licht said...

So, so cute! The photos just makes me want to hang out with him.

Jenne said...

oh those bright blue eyes are captivating!

Cheryl said...

Oh my goodness, he looks like his Daddy! Adorable pics.