Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Trip to Sisters

The trip almost didn't happen. Aubrey's fever went up not down after Wednesday, which was strange because she seemed to be getting better and everyone else who had had it was better, but then her fever went up to 103 with ibuprofen in her on Thursday evening. We were SO bummed and so frustrated by all this sickness that was ruining our plans. We decided to wait until Friday morning to make the call. We were up most of the night with Aubrey, and then finally at 6am Friday morning she said, "Mommy, my ear hurts." I was so relieved to hear her say that! That meant there was hope that this was something that was fixable.  I was almost giddy when I went back to bed and told Greg what she said. We got her in to the doctor at 10:30am, and sure enough, her left ear drum was infected and bulging. We filled her prescriptions, picked up Joel from preschool, ate some lunch, packed for the weekend in 1 hour (a record for us), and were on the road by 1:15pm.  Aubrey and Grant both slept through the snowy drive over the mountain, and we enjoyed our trip over as much as you possibly can enjoy a trip like that with 4 kids in the car.

Ryan and Michelle moved to Sisters (central Oregon) back in August, but we hadn't had a chance to go out and visit them yet, so we were excited to finally go. Michelle is having baby Brennan in less than two weeks, so we squeezed in a visit before his arrival. It was nice to just relax, chat, catch up, and have fun together with no big agenda for the weekend. We went to the bakery Saturday morning, let the kids play at the park where they saw a bunch of deer, and then went out to a farm of someone Ryan works with where the kids got to chase chickens and ride on a horse. We went to Ashlynn's last basketball game Saturday afternoon, and I got to see my aunt and uncle and their new house in Sisters, too, while we were there. Aubrey wasn't feeling good for most it, but the medicine kicked in Saturday afternoon, and she perked up. The guys had a good time watching basketball all weekend. At one point they had 4 different screens set up--the TV and three laptops--so they wouldn't miss a bit of March Madness.

Lorelai and Joel looking at "Bunny."

Aubrey wanted nothing to do with that horse. It was pretty cold and windy, too, so she just hung onto Daddy while we were there.

We had a nice little surprise Saturday morning. We woke up to a few inches of snow on the ground.

Ashlynn enjoyed mothering Grant for the weekend. She's going to be one excited big sister in a couple weeks! She's going to be quite the helper for her mama.

Not expecting snow, we didn't bring snow gear, so they couldn't really play in it much, but they did have fun brushing off the cars.

We had a great time, and the drive back home wasn't bad either. Next time we see them, they'll be a family of five!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

10 days and counting

That is how long someone (or multiple someones) has been sick with a fever in this house. Here's Aubrey at her "post" on the love seat. She's doing a lot better today, despite what this photo portrays. She just couldn't muster up a smile for me. She's sitting up, and she got dressed today at least! She spent two days without her hair done in the same princess nightgown, mismatching pajama bottoms, and Zoe Sesame Street slippers. She's on day 4 which means she should be doing better by tomorrow if she follows the trend of the other 4 people in our family who have had this sickness. I hesitant to even type the words, but yes, I am the one person who has not had it. I am convinced it's only by the grace of God. I'm still praying that I will stay well, as we have plans for the weekend that would be a big bummer to have to cancel and because I'm not sure how my family would fare if I were to go down. It's been quite the season. I think the kids are going to go through TV/movie withdrawal once everyone is well.

Watching the news and reading the paper this week sure has given me some perspective while we've been sick at home. While praying for the people in Japan, I've been feeling especially thankful for our home and for the safety and overall health of our children. This little illness will be over soon, and it doesn't seem like any big deal when I see the images of the suffering and devastation across the ocean. It's all a matter of perspective, I guess. Makes me grateful we have such a big, powerful God who is in control and that He cares about little ones with fevers and tired moms as well as earthquake victims suffering deep loss.
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Thursday, March 10, 2011

7 months

Seven months finds Grant happy and ear infection free (we do have an appointment scheduled with the ENT, however). He is rolling all over the place but can't quite figure out how to move forward. Backwards, side-to-side, and in a circle are easy but forward is just frustrating! He'll figure it out soon enough. We can no longer store magazines or newspaper on the shelf of our coffee table because eats them. He is enjoying his real food, too. Haven't found much that he doesn't like yet.

Now that he's well, he's sleeping better, not great, but better. I'll take it. :)

Right now I am doing everything in my power to keep him from getting the latest virus plaguing our family. Greg has been home sick for three days, and now Kari and Joel both have fevers, too. We had one wonderful week of wellness and that was it. This winter has been brutal for our family health-wise. None of it is major stuff, but our immune systems could sure use a boost.

I'm trying to focus on the many blessings in our life and not on the discouraging things going on around here. This little guy's smile brought a smile to my face today.

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Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Museum trip

The library pass made it our way again, and we had a great little trip to the Children's Museum this morning. Joel was VERY excited to go and enjoyed every minute of it. Oh, and yesterday he was finally declared strep-free! It sure has been nice to have well kids again. This last week was nice and "normal."

We were some of the only people there first thing in the morning, which is how I like it. We had the water area completely to ourselves, and the kids played in there a long time. Joel had a smile on his face almost the entire time.

The plus side of doing the water area first was that there were no other kids. The down side was the fact that the kids were wet from the start. Aubrey's pants, socks, sleeves, and hair all got doused. She didn't seem to mind too much, though (and had a blast doing it). If it had been another one of our children, that would not have been ok.

played in here a while, too

Grant did great just hangin' with Mom.

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Friday, March 04, 2011

Can you see it?

Some people say something about Aubrey reminds them of my mom, and I've never really been able to see it. Then I saw this photo of my mom, and then I saw it. I totally see Aubrey in her smile.

My dad has been scanning all his old slides and sending some along. I've never seen a resemblance before, but I see Aubrey in some of my little kid pictures, and sometimes a little bit of Joel, too. I have yet to see any of my genetic material (at least physically) in Kari or Grant, but I don't expect to. Greg's got that one covered, I think. :)

I love old pictures. Here's Brian and I.

Denee, this one's for you. Look at us up at camp. Weren't we cute, dirty little things?

When I turned 3.
I had that doll cake (variations of it) many a birthday. It was one of my favorites.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Aubrey Ann turned 3

For the last six months or so, people have assumed Aubrey was 3, and now she really is! She got to go to her first birthday breakfast with Grandpa--and LOVED every minute of it. Funny how things work for younger siblings. Kari went for the first time when she turned 6, Joel went when he turned 4, and Aubrey when she turned 3. We were joking that maybe Grant should go when he turns 2. Wouldn't that be fun, Grandpa? :)

And we had her big family party on her actual birthday, too. I do believe this much anticipated day lived up to all her expectations. She was one excited birthday girl. Thanks for celebrating with us, everyone!

Here are some of my favorites of Aubrey from her party: