Monday, December 22, 2014

Cheater Gingerbread

I made the kids sad when I  told them I wasn't going to make gingerbread houses this year. I just didn't have it in me after all the other December festivities and Kari's birthday parties. The kids were disappointed but took it ok. I was at the grocery store the week before Christmas, though, when I saw a ready-made kit with five tiny houses in it for $8. I decided it was worth it and made my kids' day. It was the perfect afternoon activity for the first day of Christmas vacation. They were happy and occupied, and it had taken minimal effort and energy on my part to make it happen. Win-win, for this year anyway!


1 comment:

Denee said...

Great idea! After spending an entire day on 8 houses this year, I have thought about buying a kit next year. Feels like cheating, but it takes SO LONG!! I wrote Grandma a thank you email, thanking her for the countless hours she has spent over the years making them. Wow.