Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Tree Hunting and decorating.

We usually get our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving, and the kids know that. The weather that day was intermittently stormy and not ideal tree-hunting weather, but the kids were so anxious to go (and were driving us nuts!), we decided to go anyway. We waited for a break in the rain, admired this double rainbow, then hopped in the van.

As we were driving, the storm picked up. It was pouring! The wind was blowing the rain sideways, and we did NOT want to be out searching for a tree in that weather, so we parked at the tree farm and waited for a break in the rain.

After about 15 minutes, it had calmed down enough for us to venture out in our raincoats and boots.

kids standing in front of our chosen tree

The kids ran between the trees and played while Greg sawed down our tree. That's one of their favorite parts of getting a Christmas tree--running through the trees.

Kari helped me string the lights, and then the kids took over the decorating and hung all the ornaments themselves. The cats had fun with the ones down low, and I had to re-hang a bunch that fell off (probably hung by Grant), but I didn't even do much re-arranging. Kari must have been on quality control. :)


All set!

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