Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Kari Lynn--8 years, 11months

My lovely 3rd grader.

Kari loves school. When she was sick a few weeks ago (and miraculously, she was the only one who got sick--amazing, never happened to us before), she was upset about missing school because she was worried about getting behind. Behind? I don't think so. This is the girl who finishes her homework the day she gets it and completes projects way before they are due. She is enjoying her class and her teacher and jump rope club and everything else school-wise. She is an avid reader and finishes books like crazy right now. It's so fun to share my old books with her and see her enjoying them the way I did--Trixie Belden and Nancy Drew (my mom's books), Mandie, Betsy/Tacy, Ramona, Little House books, the list goes on. She also is a re-reader like I was/am, so I have been trying to give her new ones to read so she doesn't just read her favorites over and over again. :)

There is one thing Kari does not enjoy--lunch. She doesn't like most breads and will not eat sandwiches, which really limits what we can pack for school lunches. The list of typical lunch foods she won't eat is VERY long. She'd rather have left-overs. We've tried having her buy hot-lunch at school, but she's not a fan of most of their meals. Dinner is her favorite meal. So, while she is very particular about food, at least she eats most of the dinners I cook!

Pink continues to be Kari's favorite color. Her room still glows pink, and she's happy with it that way. While not a total "girly" girl, she is getting more and more into clothes and doing her hair and nails. She loves to listen to music and wants to learn to play the guitar and piano. She loves to bake (and eat) cookies--a favorite activity of hers when friends come over.  We've been playing more card games and board games with her lately. It's fun to have a kid old enough to play games with (Candyland doesn't count).

Kari can be very sweet with Grant. She comforts him when when he's sad, and he lets her carry him abound and "baby" him. I love to watch them play together. He thinks she's pretty cool. I'm looking forward to the day she can legally babysit him. :) It's not that far away!

When I see her with her friends, being silly and loud, it's hard to believe that she's actually an introvert. She keeps her true feelings and thoughts to herself most of the time, and we have to draw them out of her if we want to know what's going on in her head. I'm getting better at it and better at understanding how she ticks.  We've discovered a great way of communicating with Kari--through writing. We have a notebook we pass back and forth and leave under each other's pillow after we've written a note in it. It's a way of connecting that seems to work well for us, and it's just fun to get a letter under your pillow. :)

I love you, Kari Lynn! It's fun watching you grow into a young lady. We have some fun and exciting years ahead, I think.

Each one of our kids is so very different. It's overwhelming sometimes to think about meeting each of their needs and making sure we're loving them the way they each feel loved. I know I can't do it on my own, and I'm thankful that God IS able to meet their needs and that He is helping us as we raise our kids. I find myself praying more and more. At first it was all about meeting their physical needs and surviving the crazy baby and toddler days. Now we're dealing with more emotional needs along with everything else. This parenting stuff is not for weanies, that's for sure! I'm thankful for a husband who is right there with me through it all. I'm also thankful for my wise moms to turn to when I don't know what to do! I love my kids, love being their mom, and can't imagine doing anything other than what I'm doing right now. So thankful for my family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm praying alot more for my son and enjoy Moms in prayer each week.Mrs. G