Monday, November 26, 2012

Joel Edward--6 years, 10 months

My toothless 1st grader.

Joel is enjoying 1st grade now that he's a couple months in. Most of his good friends are in the other first-grade class, which was a bit of a bummer at the beginning of the year, but he's made some new friends and is still able to play with his other friends sometimes at recess. The disappointment didn't last too long. It helped that a lot of his good buddies were on his soccer team, so he saw them at least twice a week most of the fall.

Joel's becoming a better and better reader. We've seen progress just in the last two months, which is exciting. (I struggle with patience listening to beginning readers, so I am relieved that he's getting it! Just two more beginning readers to go! :) At his conference this last week, I received a glowing report from his teacher. He's doing well both academically and socially. We're proud of him!

I've been able to help out at the school every other week for a few hours, thanks to a selfless mother-in-law and have been able to go on a couple field trips, thanks to her and my mom, too. I love being there, getting to know the other kids, getting to know the teachers, helping out, and watching my kids interact with their classmates. Joel is well-liked and gets along well with everyone. His easy-going, quiet spirit makes him a good friend. He is sensitive but usually able to express his feelings so we know what's going on inside his head. I'm thankful for that. I don't want this middle child to get lost in the shuffle.

Joel is into Legos, anything Star Wars, soccer, basketball, playing outside and riding his bike or scooter with his friends, playing Lego Star Wars (best combo ever, in his opinion) on the Wii, and playing all kinds of games with his siblings. He got the fastest time in his class for the "pacer," a timed running event in PE--a big deal with the elementary school crowd. He attributed his win to his brand new tennis shoes. :) He's enjoying having his own room. We moved him into Grant's old room after Ane left us this summer, and he's loving the space and privacy. Joel's turned into a full-fledged grade-schooler, and it's a fun age. He can do so many more things and has become so much more independent and confident in the last year.

We're thankful for you and love you so much, Joel-boy!

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