Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Aubrey's birthday

Basketball season got in the way of Aubrey's birthday party planning. We had to have her parties over a week before her actual birthday to fit them in. I made Oreo cakes for her family party this year, and we managed to squeeze her party in between basketball pictures and community group that night. The next day was President's Day, and we took advantage of the day off to have Aubrey's friend party. She decided she wanted to play laser tag, so we booked a private party at Wunderland and invited her friends and some of their siblings, and we all (parents included) had fun play laser tag for an hour. On her actual birthday, we had four different sports practices, and we were coming and going all evening, so Aubrey decided on MOD pizza, and Greg picked it up on his way home from work. We all gathered later that night to have cake and ice cream all together before bed. Aubrey's birthday lasted a couple weeks this year! 

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