Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Moffat Christmas

The Tamiflu did it's job, and Joel's fever broke on Saturday, late morning, and it didn't come back the next day, so he was out of the 24 hour + window we needed to be able to be with other people and be able to see family. Ryan and Michelle got into town Saturday, and I took the girl cousins to the mall to spend some of their Christmas money. They had a blast together, and I enjoyed being along for the ride.

Sunday, after church, started the official Moffat family Christmas time together. We went to see a movie (people saw three different movies, actually) and then had pizza afterwards back at Grandma and Grandpa's.

The next morning we all met back at Grandpa and Grandma's to do stockings and spend the day together, eating, chatting, and playing games. We ended our time together with dinner at Burgerville and then a Blazer game--all 19 of us. Joel got transported inside the Moda Center in a wheelchair up to the third level, then just had to navigate the steps up to our seats inside. The Blazers lost, but it was ok.  We'd had a long but good day! We were so thankful that Joel was feeling better and that no one else had gotten sick.

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