Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Fall Happenings

Been up to all kinds of things around here. Soccer (only Grant!), volleyball games for Aubrey, school fundraisers, Shoot 360 and basketball clinics for Joel, and cross country for Kari. Friday night football games. Beautiful sunrises and amazing fall weather.

Helped with Jog-a-thon and Harvest Hustle again this year.

Warm enough to still play games on the porch and eat outside

Warm enough to go on an ice cream date to Sugar Pine Drive-in. Yum!

Homecoming Dance--Kari did not like it but enjoyed the brownie and ice cream and time with friends beforehand.

Driving Kari and Katelin to school each morning has been a treat. Every morning, I marvel at the beauty of the sunrise and praise God for his amazing gifts. 

Hosted the appetizer course for the Jr. High Progressive Dinner again this year. 13 loaves of french bread and 11 Costco-size bags of Caesar salad. It was so much fun! Quite the rush and frenzy of excitement for that half hour! 63 people in our house is a record. 

Cozy kitty

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