Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Grant's 8th Birthday

It was a family party only year for Grant, since he's had multiple friend parties in a row now. Grant went to birthday breakfast with Grandpa the morning of his birthday while we went to pick up Joel from Trout Creek. We had a birthday lunch rather than dinner since Aubrey had another party to go to later that day. We all sat down for Grant's requested zita bake meal, had him open his presents from us, and had cake and ice cream a little later. He was so happy with his 3DS! He was happy about everything, though, really. :-) He also got to play Wits & Wagers with some of his favorite neighbor friends and shared some birthday dessert with them, too.

His family party got delayed by a week after we realized only half the family could come on his actual birthday. He decided he'd rather wait for everyone to be able to be there. He asked for a luau/beach theme at the pool and wanted everyone to wear leis. Not sure why he decided on that, except that was the theme for our church retreat back in June. Who knows?! It made the party festive, though, with everyone wearing the multi-colored flowers.

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