Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Tea party, outside play, legos

Sports camps are done (except soccer training days for Kari), and true summer has begun. The kids spent days taking apart Legos and organizing them. Now they're building sets again. Aren't those bins a beautiful sight?

Great Grandma Carrie would love that the kids use her teapot for their tea parties. I'm fairly certain the only reason Grant plays "tea party" with the girls is so he can have "biscuits," a.k.a. cookies.

One afternoon they played "15 passenger van" and set up camping chairs for the seats. I love when they use their imaginations and play together nicely.

Our trampoline bit the dust, and the kids were motivated to take it apart before the new one arrived. We're on our 3rd trampoline now, but it's worth every penny!

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