Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Negligent no more

Finally taught this poor fourth child to tie his shoes. We have been remiss in this area of parenting, and by “we,” I mean me. Greg was responsible for teaching the lefties, and both girls were proficient by kindergarten. I was responsible for the righties and put off teaching Grant by buying velcro shoes the last couple times. New shoes with laces were a must. 

He is so proud of his accomplishment. He went around tying our shoes for us the next day on Saturday and said, "I should start a shoe-tying business!" Funny kid. On Monday he came home and told us he had tied shoes for several friends at school. Such a useful skill! :) 

I snapped the second photo after school one day. I subbed at East Orient that day and saw him on the playground with quite the mismatched outfit and made a mental note to take a photo later. He goes to school like this many days. I comfort myself by thinking, "At least he gets himself ready!"


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