Friday, December 01, 2017

Black Friday

Greg went with me again this year on Black Friday, bright and early. We were at Fred Meyer's by 5am and made it to World Market in time to each get $10 gift cards. We were numbers 67 and 68 out of 100. The Wilsons and Millers were a little ways behind us and got the last four tickets! Greg and I were very successful in our shopping endeavors, and it was just fun to be out together. I actually have done most of my shopping online. I love spending money at Christmas. We save all year for it, and it's just so much fun to shop for us and others and find great deals (like these two cute Dutch ovens--aren't they adorable? $7.99 each!). We've had a vast amount of packages delivered to our door the last couple weeks, and knowing that more were on their way, I decided to do something for our delivery drivers. I've seen others do this and thought it was a great idea. The kids get all excited when they see them coming and watch to see if they'll take anything, cheering if they do. It feels good to show a little kindness and appreciation, even if it's just a small snack.

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