Friday, October 13, 2017

Crazy Fall

We didn't exactly thrive, but we survived September and have finally adjusted to new schedules and new routines. We have soccer six days a week right now, between practices and games. Joel's season has been a little rough because of a new coach, and we've had to deal with some drama on that front-- life lessons about not everyone being nice and things in life not being fair. Grant's and Kari's seasons have been positive, though, and we only have a couple weeks left. Aubrey decided to play volleyball instead this fall, and she's had just one game so far.

I have been at the schools quite a bit with a few sub jobs and then volunteering and helping with the big Harvest Hustle fundraiser again. I was able to go to East Orient  and volunteer for the Jog-a-Thon again this year, too. It's always fun to chat with other parents and the teachers while we mark the kids' lap cards as they run by. Between having kids there for so long and subbing last year, I know most of the students, so it was fun to cheer them on all morning. It was a beautiful, warm day!

The 2nd annual Harvest Hustle was a success, as well. Our team of ladies put in so many hours preparing for this event. We had a great crew help us set up the night before, and this year it didn't rain! Greg designed the maze and got that set up that evening. It was a vast improvement on the tiny hay maze from last year!
The weather was perfect the day of the fundraiser, too. I really enjoy working with the ladies on our team with the PTC. It's a lot of work, but it's worth it.

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