Monday, April 24, 2017


I bought Family Life's "Messiah Mystery" kit this year to do with the kids in preparation for Easter. There were six "sessions" to do with the family once a week during the Lent season, with activities to do as a family, reading and discussion, and "clues" to look up (prophesies of the Messiah in the Old Testament). We got a little behind and had to play catch up, but it turned out to be a valuable experience, and I'm glad we made time to do it with the kids. Our next door neighbor, Kate, joined us for most of it, which was great. We managed to get our grassy hill "empty tomb" planted in time, as well. We celebrate so much at Christmas and have lot of fun traditions surrounding that season, but Easter is just as important, if not more important, as believers in Christ, so it's important to me that we make sure we have fun traditions then, too, and help the kids understand and celebrate the deep significance of this holiday, as well.

This first photo is of an activity we did with the "Messiah Mystery." We measured and drew part of the tabernacle with sidewalk chalk in our street and driveway. Kari is standing in the "Holy of Holies." :) It really helped to see it drawn out to be able to picture where the curtain was and see physical space.

The day before Easter, we went to the church egg hunt at the Pates and then to Kari's soccer game. The rest of the day was spent doing yard work and baking. I got my hot-crossed-buns done! We went in with neighbors to rent an aerator for our lawns, so the guys worked all afternoon on our yards, and that evening we had an impromptu barbecue. We still hadn't dyed our eggs, though, so after we got back home, we had a 9pm egg-dying session. Kind of nice that the kids are old enough to do it on their own now and that they're able to stay up later without paying for it too much the next day. I love that they still want to do things like dye eggs. They wouldn't hear of skipping it! :)

Photo by April Fisher--love how she captured Grant at the Easter egg hunt

We had a very nice Easter service and church and went over to Mark and Shari's afterwards for Easter dinner this year. It was a great day. 

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