Saturday, November 05, 2016

Fall and the Harvest Hustle

The last two months have been nuts. Grant started kindergarten, and I thought I'd have all this extra time on my hands, so I said yes to doing...everything. I said yes to doing a bible study once a week, yes to volunteering every Tuesday at the elementary school, yes to being on the PTC board as vice president, and yes to being on the fundraiser committee for the middle school--all this in addition to kids playing on four soccer teams, piano lessons, community group, youth group, and basketball academy. Add in three orthodontist appointments, six dentist appointments, a couple doctor appointments, and two field trips, and you've got a couple months of very full days! I'm working on getting some balance back in my life now. Lesson learned!

The fundraiser I helped with was a big commitment, much more than I realized when I agreed to be a part of it. I joined four other ladies in planning the 2016 Wolverine Harvest Hustle, and I really enjoyed getting to know these ladies. We made a great team, and they are fun to work with! We met several times over the summer and put in many hours planning the event, asking businesses to sponsor the event, and figuring out all the details of how to make this new obstacle course/fun run a success for the school.  It was a lot of work! But it was worth it. The event itself was a blast and a smashing success. The students and teachers enjoyed it and were all super supportive. We had over 40 parent volunteers helping us that day. It was a great day. We continued to collect money for two weeks after the event and were completely blown away with how much the students brought it. We kept the final amount a secret until the assembly where we revealed the amount to the students and staff. Our grand total was $22,500! Everyone was shocked. It was so much fun to see the teachers' and principal's faces and to hear the students' cheering. All worth it! Our team leader, Kat, is already planning for next year's event. :)

We set up a lot of the obstacles the day before, in the pouring rain. It actually ended up being pretty fun, even though we were all drenched by the end. The next day, the day of the Hustle, was dry and beautiful, even if a little cold. We were so relieved! We'd already moved the date once, due to heavy rains, so we were very happy to have no rain.

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