Wednesday, March 11, 2015

To do: Play with Grant

I learned a new trick today. I learned how to clean up battery acid/corrosion and fix toys with baking soda, water, and a q-tip! (What did parents do before they could Google things??) Grant's drill wasn't working, and that's what started it all. I got excited about my new-found skill and fixed all kinds of toys this morning. Grant is good at playing independently, but lately he's been asking me to play with him more, so I've been putting "play with Grant" on my to-do list. We worked on putting Lego people together one afternoon. Today we played with the drill set, remote control cars, and trains, in between household chores. 

It was nice to have a quiet day at home today. Over the weekend, we had more health issues. Grant was helping me plant some bulbs in the backyard and got some dirt and bark dust in his eye. We flushed it out with water, but it bothered him the rest of the day. He slept all night but woke up screaming the next morning and wouldn't open his eye. It was puffy and red, and it was obviously causing him a lot of pain. My mom took the kids to church, and Greg and I took Grant to urgent care, thinking it might take two of us to help wrestle him while they took a look at his eye. The doctor didn't even attempt it, though. She took a quick peek and decided it was likely a scratch on his eyeball and sent us home with antibiotic drops. Thankfully, that was all it took. Two days later, his eye was looking and feeling back to normal. 

Friday night we got a kid-free date night, as Mom and Dad M. babysat for Greg's birthday. We had a great time together and enjoyed the time relaxing but also getting some things done around the house. I'm glad we had that date night when we did because he started feeling sick again on Saturday. He had just finished his antibiotics from last week's tonsil issue, so it seemed strange that was sick again. He felt crummy all day Sunday (him with his cough and Grant with his eye, made them a good pair), went to work Monday, but came home early and fell asleep. Tuesday he went to the doctor and found out he has bronchitis. So, he's back on antibiotics, along with an inhaler and some immune-boosting supplements. We have GOT to get him healthy again. 

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