Monday, February 16, 2015


The kids were home today since it's Presidents' Day. Sometimes these types of holidays are long days with the kids, and other times, like today, they are great. We've enjoyed a couple of sunny days this weekend, with highs in the 60's! The kids think it's summer. They're in shorts and asking if we can turn on the sprinklers. I said no, but I did let them take a bowl of ice on the trampoline to cool off in this "sweltering" heat.

This morning I got to have an extra long quiet time in the morning to read my Bible and do my study, and got to stay on the elliptical for longer, too. The kids were begging to go outside at 8am, but out of consideration for our neighbors, I held them off until 9am. While they were waiting for the rest of the world to wake up, they made a to-do list. I got out the camera when I noticed what they were doing.

Several of the list items are games they have made up. I love it when kids act like kids in this way. I love it when they play well.

They were outside almost constantly from 9am until 3pm, even ate lunch outside. Now they're inside with a couple of neighbor friends (it's pretty windy this afternoon), making a gigantic mess upstairs, but at least they're still playing. I think they'll all sleep well tonight.

Meanwhile, I've been doing laundry, cleaning (not the floors--the kids keep tracking stuff in),  helping resolve kid conflicts, prepping dinner, patching up minor injuries, and getting ready for another week. I've got my own to-do list. :) Aubrey's birthday parties are this next weekend, so I've been planning and preparing for that, too. I put "play with kids" on my to-do list, and I even did that! It's been a good day.

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