Tuesday, September 09, 2014

First Day of Preschool

My baby went to his first day of preschool today. He was very excited and happy to go. I got him settled at a table, told him how excited for him I was, kissed him good-bye, and went out into the car and cried. Big tears. I'm happy for him and so thankful he was excited. I've had kids who have cried and sobbed and clung to me. That is NOT fun. He didn't have any trouble at all saying good-bye, which was just great. I ran a couple errands, exciting places like the bank and grocery store, and then came home and cleaned like a mad woman.

When I went to pick him up, I saw him standing by his table, watching the doorway and waiting for me. He jumped up into my arms and gave me the biggest, longest, tightest hug I've had in a long while. It was so sweet. I almost started crying all over again, but I didn't! :) We said good-bye to his teachers who told me he did great, and walked out through the playground. I asked if he wanted to stay and play a little while on the playground, but he shook his head and said, "No, I already had two recesses. I want to go home." So we did. He told me all about his day, about the two bad kids who didn't clean up, about the bumble bee puppet and "bee" rules (be safe, be respectful, be kind), about the girl who cried all day, about the weather and day of the week circle time, and......

I think I might finally have a kid who tells me everything! I hope so. :)

He was showing me how much he missed me--just a little bit, the amount between his finger and his thumb. (I loved seeing all the paint on his arms, evidence of preschool.) A little while later, he said he missed the kitties more, with his arms wide open. I told him he's not allowed to miss the kitties more than his mommy, so he switched it. He missed the kitties the little amount and me the big amount. That's better.


1 comment:

Amy Woodard said...

That's so sweet! Yay Grant!!