Tuesday, July 01, 2014

In Summer...

The kids have been out of school for just over two weeks, and our transition is about over. It's always a little tricky, everyone getting used to being together all day everyday again. All four kids did a round of swim lessons the week after school got out, every morning for two weeks, and the amazing thing about it was that I was able to get them all in lessons at the SAME TIME! It was pretty incredible. I sat in the pool bleachers, alone, for half an hour and watched all four kids swim. Kari and Joel's lessons were a little longer than Grant and Aubrey's, so I had time to get them showered before Joel and Kari were done. I thoroughly enjoyed my half hour. :) All four kids "graduated" the next level. I signed Aubrey and Grant up for another session later this month. Kari and Joel are strong swimmers now, so I think they're done with lessons for now.

I made a new chore chart for the summer (pinterest inspired), and the kids enthusiastically embraced it. I think it was the novelty of the dry erase markers. :) Kari loves charts and lists, and I think she has rubbed off on the other kids a bit. We're on our third week of summer, and they're still motivated. I'll take it! Most days under "Ask Mom Job" there is an additional chore like vacuuming or dusting or cleaning the bathroom, but we were all caught up on chores this morning, and it's really hot outside, so I decided to make it "play." They liked that. :) Gotta keep them on their toes and keep surprising them so it doesn't get old.

It was only a 70 degree day when the neighborhood kids decided they wanted to have a water fight. The sun was going down, and by the time they were done, all the kids were shivering. They had a good time, though!


This last weekend, Greg and the boys went on their annual "Man Camp" weekend with other dads and sons from church. Grant was able to go for the first time this year. Grandpa took him and Miles up on Saturday morning (Greg and Joel left Friday), and then Grant stayed for the second night. It worked out great for all. With Grant gone on Saturday, the girls and I had a day to ourselves. We went shopping, went out for donuts and then later for lunch, did more shopping, had a nail party, ate Oreos, and watched a girl movie that night. Kari and Aubrey are already looking forward to when the boys go to "Man Camp" next year.

Kari finished up tennis academy this last week, too. It was a birthday gift from Grandpa and Grandma Moffat. She's liking tennis a lot. I like the outfits, but that is her least favorite part--my little tom boy. Isn't she cute, though? She and Joel are doing a morning tennis camp next week, too, so she'll get to hone her tennis skills some more.

We're enjoying the slower pace of summer and evenings with nothing crowding them. We've been reading aloud more to the kids in the evenings. We read aloud during the year, too, but it was much less often. We finished reading Peter Pan just as school got out, and we've read James and the Giant Peach, A Cricket in Times Square, Frindle, and My Father's Dragon so far this summer. There are just so many books to read and not enough time to read them! This last year they really liked The Little Pilgrim's Progress, Pippi Longstocking, and the first couple Sugar Creek Gang books. I'm going to have to reread some others as Aubrey and Grant get older because I don't want them to miss out on some of Kari and Joel's favorites like Charlie and Chocolate Factory, Mr. Poppers Penguins, and The Indian in the Cupboard. I could spend all summer reading (my own books and theirs) if I was allowed to neglect all responsibilities. That's what vacation is for, right? Just not yet for us. When the kids are older, I plan to have that kind of vacation someday.

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