Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

I went with Aubrey and her kindergarten class on a field trip to the pumpkin patch last week. It was a perfect fall day. It was fun to be with Aubrey. Three kindergarten pumpkin patch field trips down, one to go!

I should have had Aubrey take her pumpkin out of the plastic sack for this photo, but I didn't, so here's Aubs with her plastic bag.

Aubrey and her little school friend, Jemima
Great Grandpa & Grandma Moffat took Grant for the morning, so I could go on the field trip. I so appreciate them and their willingness to spend time with their great-grandkids. Grant "helped" Grandpa blow/rake leaves in front of their house and had a great time. When I went to pick him up, they said they could only understand half of what Grant said but that he didn't seem to mind and was happy. The treats, hot cocoa, bin of toys to himself, and the complete attention of his great-grandparents might have had something to do with his happiness. :-) Grant and Aubrey undid some of the leaf work on our way home. Leaves are so much fun when you're a kid!

Aren't those trees against the blue sky lovely? There were a couple weeks of solid rain at the beginning of October that had us worried about the rest of the soccer season, but it didn't last, and we've had weeks of beautiful fall weather. I took this photo with my phone from my car while waiting in line to pick up the big kids from school. The amazing colors are one of the reasons fall is my favorite season. I'm amazed by the beauty of God's creation every September and October.
This is what most of our soccer season has looked like. So nice!

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