Thursday, July 18, 2013

Jake, Izzy, and Cubby

Grant has recently fallen in love with the Disney show "Jake and the Never Land Pirates." We discovered it on Netflix a couple weeks ago, and when we were in Sisters, we let him watch it during rest times, in the early mornings, and when he was sick. All that viewing time turned him into a Jake fanatic. He was going to have a dinosaur birthday party, but now it's got to be a "Jake and the Never Land Pirates" party. Joel and Aubrey like the show, too, and they have been playing their own "Jake" games at home. I love their imaginative play (even if it is based on a TV show). I had to take a picture that first day they came down the stairs all dressed up in costumes of their own design. It's especially funny considering it's been 85-90 degrees outside, and they are running around in jeans and boots.
"Jake" (Joel), "Cubby" (Grant), and "Izzy" (Aubrey)
see the resemblance?

signing the song together

1 comment:

LJStager said...

They actually look like the characters! So cute!