Saturday, April 20, 2013

A smattering of photos on the camera

 I looked out in the backyard last week and saw our neighbor-friend, Kate, and Joel (both 7 years old) just sitting and talking on the trampoline. I tried to snap a photo without them noticing, but they saw me. :) It's great to have friends right next door. Between siblings and neighborhood kids, our children are never lacking playmates.

Grant continues to fall asleep anytime (except when we want him to), anywhere when he's truly tired. He's given up naps, at least at the appropriate times, and won't fall asleep during the imposed afternoon "rest time" but a lot of days just can't quite make it until bedtime. If he sleeps, even just for 10 minutes during the day, he's up with us until 9pm or 10pm. Greg and I have been watching The West Wing on Netflix, and Grant will ask us in the evening, "You going to watch the Mommy/Daddy show?" He likes the opening music. :) We try our best to keep him awake during the day, but sometimes there's nothing we can do to avoid it.
Aubrey continues to love putting her own outfits together and comes out looking pretty crazy a lot of the time. She picked out an outfit this day that actually went together! She was excited to wear these "footless" tights she got for her birthday from Uncle Eric and Aunt Leah.
It was a preschool day, and she was very excited about her hair "crown." Although it feels like a lot of extra effort and work at times, I love dressing up my girls and doing their hair, making it pretty and making them feel pretty. We don't have time to do fancy hair every day, and it never stays long, especially on Aubrey, but it's fun when we do. Greg teases me on Sunday mornings that he's taken care of the boys' hair (put some gel in it), so how come I'm not done yet? :) There are many pluses to having boys, too. Thankful God gave us both!
Grant's first official finger-painting experience. He liked it a lot.

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