Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Valentines

It's a sniffly Valentine's Day for us--colds all around and sinus issues--but we're making the day special anyway. Kids woke up to valentines from Daddy (and Mommy, but Daddy gets all the credit this year) and had a yummy breakfast of cinnamon rolls, eggs, and sausage. They were all very excited to go to school and have their parties. I almost kept Aubrey home because I think she's developed a sinus infection and woke up feeling and looking not so great, but her tears convinced me to let her go to preschool this morning and then call the doctor.

I like the "homemade" valentines we did for the kids' classes this year. I've wanted to do the lollipop one ever since I saw it on Pinterest a couple years ago. It was super easy, and they turned out great. Joel opted for the Lego Star Wars one instead of the photo. He liked the glow stick light saber idea. We did tape candy on the back, though, because, according to Joel, it just wasn't a valentine without candy!

Look at all of them! Just think how many there will be when Grant is in school and does 'em, too! Oregon really needs to do something about these class sizes.
Kari making cookies with a Grant-monkey on her back.

We've been calling them "the twins" lately. Their toddler pictures look so much alike. Kari is a wonderful big sister. She can calm him down better than we can sometimes. She's going to be a good babysitter in a couple years--can't wait!

I am thankful, oh so thankful, for all four of my little valentines, but I have to give a shout-out to my big valentine. He has been pretty amazing this last week. I was able to go on our church's women's retreat this last weekend (a wonderful time away with friends and no responsibility, cooking, or cleaning), and Greg was super dad, spending the weekend taking good care of the kids, one sick kid, even, coaching and going to basketball games, and getting everyone to church on Sunday.  I came home sick from the retreat on Sunday afternoon and was worthless that day and for most of this last week.  I married a pretty great man--a wonderful husband who gives me grace when I fail and when I'm down and a wonderful dad to our kids, so fun and so capable. I've never put much stock in Valentine's Day--I expect to love and be loved EVERY day of the year--but the kids sure do love it, and I did appreciate the chocolates waiting for me this morning. :) Happy Valentine's Day!

*Update: Took Aubrey to the doctor this afternoon. She does, indeed, have a sinus infection (not contagious), but she also has strep (highly contagious)! Bad mom and member of society for sending her to school and exposing all of her preschool class to strep throat! I didn't know, but still...
We can't seem to stay away from strep around here--3 kids with it in Dec, Kari two weeks ago, and now Aubrey. We're going through a lot of toothbrushes!


Alison said...

Jack did those Lego Star Wars Valentines too! Yay for Pinterest!

Cheryl Licht said...

The Valentines are awesome. And, as far as Aubrey exposing the class to strep for a day, I've done worse. Brayden had strep for 10 days last year and I didn't know it. Uhm, yeah. We're just contributing to the building up of great immune systems!

Cheryl Licht said...

The Valentines are awesome. And, as far as Aubrey exposing the class to strep for a day, I've done worse. Brayden had strep for 10 days last year and I didn't know it. Uhm, yeah. We're just contributing to the building up of great immune systems!