Monday, December 10, 2012

Gingerbread and Birthday party

For the last several years I've made gingerbread houses for the kids using the recipe from my Grandma Arnold. This year I decided to make lots of houses so Kari and her friends could decorate them at her birthday party. It was a lot of work, but I was successful! I made 17 houses total--2 big ones, and 15 little ones. Aubrey helped me roll out the dough and prep the pieces for the oven.

The morning of the party Grant and Aubrey helped me decorate one of the big houses to use as an example. We gave the other big house to cousin Russell to decorate.

Looked like we had a gingerbread "village" in our kitchen.

Greg helped Joel and Aubrey in the kitchen while I helped the big girls in the dining room. Grant was conveniently napping.

Eight girls happily working on their houses.

Party #1 done. Party #2 (family) is this next Sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YOur my hero Andrea.
Mrs. G