Tuesday, September 04, 2012

First Day of School

I have a 3rd grader and a 1st grader who were both gone ALL DAY LONG. Drop-off was great this year (quite different from last year's drama in 2nd grade), and I only cried a little when we left the school and got back in the car.

Both kids had good first days! Joel did have a little run-in with a metal pole at recess and had to go to the office, but he recovered fairly quickly, it sounds like, and just has a little bruise on the forehead. Aubrey thought they should have come home a lot sooner (asked multiple times if it was time to go get them), but the little two and I had a good day, too. We got doughnuts and ate them at the park this morning, stopped by and saw Grandma who had Russell for a little while, and made cookies in the afternoon to have together when the kids came home.


Kari and her friend, Lucy. They were very pleased to discover their desks were right next to each other.

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